Public Outreach

Ongoing Outreach:

We believes that the benefits of high-quality science education and infrastructure should not remain restricted to members of the CUHP only. As an attempt to spread the excitement of science and to make the expertise and facilities at CUHP available to the science and education community of the Himachal Pradesh, we would like to engage in several “Science, Technology, and Astronomy Realisation (STAR)” outreach activities. These encompass skywatching programs, social outreach in the local community, capacity building of teachers, making and popularizing simple science toys, and effectively communicating scientific research through various media. In this context the Department of Physics and Astronomical Science of CIHP proposed to set up a Chandra “Science, Technology and Astronomy Realisation (STAR)” Club [Chandra- STAR-Club] at CUHP, named after renowned nobel laureate and the father of astrophysics, Prof. S. Chandrasekhar.

For more detail visit at ….. Chandra- STAR-Club .

Science Popularization

Setting up Science Center at ARIES

  • Setting up Science Center at ARIES.

  • Model-Cum-Book Exhibition center at ARIES.

  • 14 Inch Telescope for Live Telecast and Night Sky Watching Program.

  • 5m Fixed Dome digital Planetarium.

  • Mobile observatory (3-inch optical and solar telescope).

  • Scientific poster for science popularization (about 4-5 dozen fix frame poster made).

  • MoU has been signed for collaborative work with "Vigyan Prasar" to work together for science popularization, which include collecting science popularization books and audio/video media repositories to show to the visitor. A permanents exhibition center with books/exhibits (at manufacture cost for visitor) in collaboration with "Vigyan Prasar" has been also setup at ARIES science center.

  • New initiative also taken to help in setting up an astronomy club in few Universities and new IITs.

  • About 12-15 dozens Public Lectures for Educational Tours coming to ARIES.

  • Dozen of night sky watching program organized for ARIES visitors.

  • About twice a year visit some colleges/school for awareness in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

  • Regular activity: Over all running of ARIES Science Center and its regular activity (including night sky shows twice a week) and answering the queries and email/mail by interested students/visitor and/or by media.

Scientific resource developments events

  • 2010,2011,2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 : Initiated and organize "ARIES Training School on observational Astronomy (ATSO) ( e.g see$\sim$atsoa). This is a national level school with duration of about two weeks, for which generally 300-400 apprication are received and among them about 40 are selected.

  • 2014,2015 : Co-ordinate the Visiting students program at ARIES (VSPA) (e.g$\sim$vspa)

  • 2013 : Initiated and organizer of “ARIES Training School on observational Astronomy (ATSOA)-2013” from 3ed to 13th March 2013.

  • 2013 : Co-ordination of the ARIES two month summer project programe (including national science academies as well as non-academy students).

  • 2012: Organize a 4 day workshop on “Hand on experience in observational astronomy” for about 15 students from IISER-Bhopal in Dec. 2012.

  • 2012 : Co-ordinate the Summer school program and also set up NIS/NFS computing system with astronomical software.

  • 2011 : Co-ordination of the ARIES two month summer project program (including both from academies as well as non-academy students).

  • 2011 : Organized “Gemenoid Meteor shower workshop” for school children.

  • 2011: Organized technology day program at ARIES, in collaboration with Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology.

  • 2010: Started school children summer program.